BPM 2018 – The 16th International Conference on Business Process Management

BPM 2018 is the 16th conference in a series that provides the most prestigious forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of Business Process Management. The conference will take place in Sydney, Australia from September 9-14, 2018. BPM 2018 introduces a new structure, based on three tracks: Track I: Foundations Track II: Engineering Track …

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BPM 2016 – The 14th International Conference on Business Process Management

The 14th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2016), hosted by the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 18-22, 2016. The BPM Research Track will focus on topics such as Decision management and BPM Processes in the Internet of Things and wearable devices …

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BPM 2015 – The 13th International Conference on Business Process Management

BPM 2015, hosted by the University of Innsbruck and BPM Research Cluster, will take place in Innsbruck, from August 31 until September 3, 2015. The BPM Research Track will focus on topics such as Relationship between business strategy and business processes Business process transformation and change management Success factors and measures in BPM BPM maturity …

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12th International Conference on Business Process Management

This year’s Business Process Management Conference (BPM 2014) will take place in Haifa, September 7-11, 2014. The BPM conference series embraces the diversity and richness of the BPM field and serves as a melting pot for experts from a mix of disciplines including Computer Science, Information Systems Management, Services Science and Technology Management. Process modeling …

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11th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2013)

BPM 2013 is the 11th edition of the reference conference for researchers and practitioners in the field of Business Process Management (BPM). The conference covers all aspects of BPM, including theory, models, techniques, architectures, systems, and empirical studies, and engages the most renowned representatives of the BPM community worldwide in talks, tutorials, and scientific discussions. …

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ECIS 2011: The 19th European Conference on Information Systems

The 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2011) will take place from June 9-11, 2011 in Helsinki, Finland. The conference will be held in the premises of Aalto University School of Economics. The Business Process Management track of the conference will focus topics such as Success factors and measures of BPM BPM adoption models BPM …

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Business Process Management Conference 2011

The Business Process Management Conference 2011 will be held in Clermont-Ferrand, France, from the 30th of August to the 1st of September 2011. The conference will be organized by the LIMOS Laboratory, CNRS, Université Blaise Pascal and will take place at the Campus des Cézeaux. Research topics include, but are not limited to: Modeling and …

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