Survey on Process Management: Structure follows Process

In the process approach, it is the process which comes to the fore, and not the existing organizational structure (Becker et al., 2004).This article discusses the concept of structure follows process which was investigated by the process management survey. Survey details (research design, sample, etc.) can be found here.

A process-oriented organization has adapted its structure to the process view. Several authors stress that the organizational structure should be aligned with the organization’s business processes (Suter, 2004; Gaitanides, 2007; Kiraka and Manning, 2005). 45% of the surveyed firms state that they derived their organizational structure from the organization’s business processes.

The item “The organizational structure is derived from the organization’s business processes” was rated by the firms in the sample as follows:

  • 22,96%: Disagree
  • 31,85%: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 45,19%: Agree
The organizational structure is derived from the organization's business processes.

The organizational structure is derived from the organization's business processes.

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