Survey on Process Management: Management Commitment towards Process Management

This article discusses the issue “management commitment towards the process approach” of the process management survey. Details on the survey (research design, sample, etc.) can be found here.

In most of the firms, management supports the process program (see figures below). It is worth mentioning that about 25% of the firms state that senior executives are not committed to process management.

The item “The management of our organization perceives process management not as a single project, but as a way of managing the business” was rated by the firms in the sample as follows:

  • 26,17%: Disagree
  • 32,89%: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 40,94%: Agree

The item “There is at least one senior executive who has taken leadership of, and responsibility for, the process program” was rated by the firms in the sample as follows:

  • 25,33%: Disagree
  • 21,33%: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 53,33%: Agree

The item “The senior executive team is actively engaged in the process program” was rated by the firms in the sample as follows:

  • 25,50%: Disagree
  • 28,86%: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 45,64%: Agree

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